

India has a coastline spanning 7516.6 kilometres, forming one of the biggest peninsulas in the world. According to the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, around 95 per cent of India's trading by volume and 70 per cent by value is done through maritime transport. It is serviced by 13 major ports (12 Government-owned and one private) and 205 notified minor and intermediate ports.

The government of India plans to modernise these ports and has approved a project called Sagarmala. The ports and shipping industry in India plays a vital role in sustaining growth in the country's trade and commerce. The Indian Government has allowed Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) of up to 100 per cent under the automatic route for port and harbour construction and maintenance projects.


A dredger is a piece of equipment that can dig, transport, and dump a certain amount of underwater laying soil in a certain time.

The cutter suction dredger is a stationary dredger equipped with a cutter device (cutter head) that excavate the soil before it is sucked up by the flow of the dredge pump(s). During operation, the dredger moves around a spud pole by pulling and slacking on the two fore side-line wires. This type of dredger is capable to dredge all kinds of material and is accurate due to its movement around the spud. The spoil is mostly hydraulically transported via pipeline, but some dredgers do have barge-loading facilities as well.

Component Details

Component : Dragging Cutter Teeth.

Wear Tear : Abrasion and Erosion.

Down Time Loss : Cargo Ship Traffic and their waiting time.

Base Metal : Mn Steel/ Cast Steel.

EWAC Solution :

For this application, we have the best product range for the build-up and base layer with work Hardening property which provides the best cushioning for the hard facing layer. We have numerous products for hard facing which we can select according to their application environment such as the presence of soft soil, rocks etc.

For build-up : TERRA BUILD 84
For Hard facing : EWACTRODE HF 700

Savings :

  • Customers break downtime reduces so they need not change the cutter very frequently.
  • Cargo ships being held due to soil and rocks hurdles is reduced.

Container cranes are used to lift containers on and off ships by using a long horizontal arm called a 'boom' which is a part of the crane which can reach over the container ship.

Container cranes are electrically driven and have a supporting framework that sits steel wheels on rails so that they can move along the wharf to line up with the ship that they are working on. A large container ship may have up to 3 container cranes working on it simultaneously.

Application for Container Handling Machinery

Machine : Container cranes, Straddle carriers.

Component : Trolley Wheel

Wear Factor : Metal to Metal Friction

Requirement : High toughness, excellent machining.

Losses : Repeated shut down cost due to wheel wear out

EWAC Solution :

We offer our customers the best products. They possess very good toughness with excellent machining property alongside the supervision of our skilled team.

We have two types of proposals for our customers -

  • Our Skill technicians train and guide their welders and supervisors for the job.
  • We will take it as a Job work in which we can remove fatigue, provide welding and machining as per design and requirement.


Machine : Container cranes, Straddle carriers.

Component : Rail

Wear Factor : Metal to Metal Friction, uneven load, fatigue

Requirement : Excellent machining, Elongation, High toughness.

Losses : Many customers prefer not to join rail’s by MMAW process as they believe that rail’s need space for expansion and contraction. Due to this rails face structural vibration, wheel-face wear out due to corner impact and rail corner damage.

EWAC Solution : We have products that can absorb the expansion and contraction and provide a smooth ride of the trolley.

EWAC Recommendation :
Root Run - CPEM 021
Build Up - EXD 646

Bulk grabs : These are types of cranes used in the loading or unloading of certain types of dry, loose, solid material such as sugar or scrap metal from ships. They use a set of metal jaws called a ‘bulk grab’ attached to the end of the cables on the crane. The crane operator lowers the grab right into the storage compartments called “holds” of a ship which is carrying the cargo. The grab takes a big bite of the material and the crane holding the grab can swing the load around, open the jaws and drop the contents into trucks or storage containers or equipment called “hoppers”.

Ship loaders : Some equipment called ship loaders are used to load dry, loose, solid material such as wheat into a ship’s hold. Ship loaders have a conveyor belt which leads the material from storage silos to the arm of the ship loader, this extends out over the cargo storage area of the ship. The material then falls into the ship’s compartments from there.

Machine : Cranes

Component : Grabs

Wear Factor : Abrasion, erosion, corrosion.

Requirement : High hardness with corrosion resistance property.

Losses : Material Leakage, Increase Loading and unloading time.

EWAC Solution : We have a special design hard facing electrode which can give high hardness with corrosion resistance property.

EWAC Recommendation :
Base Layer : WUNDER 660 ZH
Hard Facing : CHROMSLIDE 6006

Machine : loader unloader Cranes, Hopper, Chute

Component : Linear, wear plate

Wear Factor : Abrasion and Impact.

Requirement : High toughness and hardness.

Losses : Material wastage due to Leakage.

EWAC Solution : We have a huge range of wear plates as per application needs.

EWAC Wear Plate :

  • Ceramic Tiles and linear
  • Weld cladded Wear Plate
  • Smooth Surface (Q & T) Plate
  • Casto fuse Wear Plate – Hard Glide