EWAC R&D Centre

EWAC R&D Centre

EWAC R&D Centre was inaugurated in the year 1980 by Dr. Rene Wasserman, a pioneer in the field of low heat input 'Eutectic' welding products for Maintenance and Repair Applications across all types of industries. The vision of EWAC R&D Centre is to address customer specific needs and provide cost economic solutions for reclamation of industrial components. Over the last 4 decades, this research centre has assimilated high level of technological excellence and assisted Indian industries in improving industrial output by reducing down-time of machineries by adopting advanced maintenance and repair welding processes and alloy systems.

EWAC R&D Centre is recognised by "Department of Science & Industrial Research [DSIR], Govt. of India" since 1982. The core strength this R&D Centre is its team of well qualified and experienced researchers and specialists who focus on product, process and application developments in the areas of basic metallurgy, welding technology, coating solutions, brazing, soldering and polymer technologies in addition to failure analysis studies. This centre has state-of-the-art facilities to produce a steady stream of new, innovative and value engineered products. Some of the in-house facilities are as highlighted below :

Exclusive test rigs have been developed to simulate service conditions for ranking product performance both at room temperature and at elevated temperatures. Some of the key equipments include:

  • Adhesive wear Tester from ambient to 800°C
  • Abrasion Wear Tester from ambient to 600°C
  • Air Jet Erosion Tester from ambient to 600°C
  • Falling Weight Impact tester
  • Slurry Erosion Tester

Fast and accurate chemical analysis is a key factor for product development. This R&D Centre is equipped with modern equipments like Optical Emission Spectrometer, Positive metal identification and C, S, O2 & N2 Analysers.

The microstructural analysis enables R&D engineers to design products with desired microstructures, understand the failure mechanism and establish structure-property correlation. The latest opto-digital image analysis system with software for image acquisition, analysis and archiving with a large number of available functions sets new standards for scientific image processing.

EWAC R&D is equipped with pilot plants for coated electrodes, wear plates, steel mill reconditioning trials and polymer compounds. These are being extensively used during development to achieve perfection in the product before technology is transferred to the main production line.

  • Product Development: MMAW Electrodes, FCAW Wires, Wear Plates, Thermal spray Powders, TWAS wires, Brazing and Soldering materials and Polymer coating materials.
  • Application Development: Procedural and parameter optimisation and solutions for reclamation welding-related issues. Developing applications, product recommendations, procedure qualification and implementation in the field.
  • Failure Analysis: Assessing reasons for failure and recommending preventive measures.
  • Wear & Corrosion Studies: Specialized studies under different modes and test conditions, to rank different materials vis-à-vis their wear/corrosion resistance and also for recommending suitable materials for specific applications to enhance the service life of the industrial components.
  • Structure-property Co-relation: Metallography and micro-hardness studies to co-relate structures to properties. This helps in understanding the intrinsic properties of the alloys, to select the correct material for critical applications involving a specific set of wear mechanisms.
  • Product Evaluation / Global Benchmarking: Product evaluation of welding products against national/international standards for product differentiation and Global benchmarking.
  • Collaborations / IPRs / Conferences: R&D is involved in technology absorption, adaption and innovation through collaborative efforts with Research Institutes and Universities such as IIT-Madras, IIT-Mumbai, MSU-Baroda, SVNIT-Surat, PDPU-Gandhi Nagar etc. and also taking part in national and international seminars/conferences. The technological benefits derived from these events /collaborations are incorporated into the product and passed on to customers. New inventions of R&D Centre are protected through filing patents.

EWAC R&D Centre continue to Strive for…

Strong Scientific Credibility
Highly Differentiated Products, Solutions & Services
Networking with Research Institutes
State-of-the-art Facilities
Indigenisation of New Materials & Technologies
Conservation of Metallic Resources