

Manufacturing Plant - Ankleshwar

The Dr. Rene Wasserman Centre, a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility located at Ankleshwar, Gujarat, India has hi-tech and modern manufacturing processes. The plant is certified by ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System, ISO 14001:2015, EMS system and ISO 18001:2007 OHSAS. The plant is equipped with the latest MBBR Technology (ETP and STP), effluent treatment system.

Reclamation Facility - Mumbai (Taloja)

Our well-equipped EWAC Reclamation Facility (ERF) for Maintenance & Repair Services near Mumbai offers a new lease of life to practically any worn out or broken machine component.

Offerings at the EWAC Reclamation Facility (ERF) include:

  • Scientific analysis of repair jobs and devising a suitable reclamation process
  • Weld surfacing/build up/joining using gas welding shield